Episode 10: Vanessa Valdovinos


Hello! My friend Vanessa is sharing all kinds of inspiration in this episode. I love that the women that I’ve interviewed this season are real with their business journey. This is especially for my aspiring new entrepreneurs. Yes it’s hard, yes it’s fun, yes you learn, and yes you can pivot and figure it out along the way. And my girl Vanessa’s story is real.

She started her events business VV Social Events in 2014, and leveraged her experience to launch something that really sparked that light in her, with Hush Chicago, a full-service event production and marketing agency tailored to the cannabis community. I love how Vanessa is showing that when you find that thing that you know is “the thing” to pursue; you can find a way to make it happen in a way that brings you joy.

Running a business and enjoying life should go hand in hand. It’s not one or the other.

I’ve known Vanessa since the beginning and have been excited by everything that she does each step of the way. Enjoy my chat with Vanessa.

VV Social Events Website

Hush Chicago Website

Hush Chicago IG

Hush Jewelry IG

Founders of Hush Chicago: Vanessa & Kay

Thank you so much for listening. If you enjoyed this conversation please share, take a screenshot to post on IG @elevatinglacultura or send me a DM. 

You can also comment on our YouTube video if you’re watching online

I always like to hear from people an how they resonated with the stories I share. So go on, enjoy the rest of the day/afternoon/evening whenever you’re listening, y nos vemos next week. 

Watch our chat on YouTube.


Episode 11: Sugeiri Martinez & Lorena Almanza


Episode 09: Veronica Amador