Episode 40: Renata McElvany

Hola hola! Today’s episode is ah-mazing. I could’ve chatted with Renata all day! She is an amazing mixed media artist focused on lettering and illustration. She’s also a coach for women wanting to reconnect with their inner child and creative power. I’m so happy we met a few years ago and have stayed connected, Please enjoy our conversation. 

Website: renatamcelvany.com
IG: @renatamcelvany

YouTube: Renata McElvany

Renata is so amazing, and I’m so glad to have her voice on this season! She is full of the wisdom and encouragement we all need. Go follow and support!

Thank you so much for listening. There will be a new episode every Tuesday, so after you listen feel free to take a screenshot to post on IG and tag @elevatinglacultura or send me a DM. You can also comment on our YouTube video if you’re watching online. I always like to hear from people and how they resonate with the stories I share. SO leave a review on apple podcasts so we can get more ears listening to these stories and we can continue elevating la cultura. Alright, enjoy the rest of the day/afternoon/evening whenever you’re listening, y nos vemos next week.


Episode 41: Sandra Garcia


Episode 39: Xochitl Carmona