Episode 29-Analily Morales

Hola! I’m Karina host of Elevating la Cultura, and today I’m talking with Analily, a 5th grade teacher out in California.
She was the first person to inspire me in shifting how I parent and I’m just so grateful we got to connect in person a few years ago, and also the fact that we’ve stayed in touch thanks to instagram.
Analily truly speaks from the heart, and you can tell she is passionate about nurturing her classroom, and cultivating an environment of safety and respect.

IG: @analily_m

After hearing her episode, you'll wish that she could be a teacher to your kids. I’m so encouraged by the way she is empowering her classroom, and showing them safety and love. I’m so grateful she shared her own story about advocating for her son. It’s great to know that there are resources out there to help kids, and while it might take some effort to find them, hopefully after this episode you’re encouraged that there are people to help. 

Thank you so much for listening. There will be a new episode every Tuesday, so after you listen feel free to take a screenshot to post on IG and tag @elevatinglacultura or send me a DM. You can also comment on our YouTube video if you’re watching online. I always like to hear from people and how they resonate with the stories I share. SO leave a review on apple podcasts so we can get more ears listening to these stories and we can continue elevating la cultura. Alright, enjoy the rest of the day/afternoon/evening whenever you’re listening, y nos vemos next week. 


Episode 30-Margarita Moreno


Episode 28 - Lisset Gonzalez